Hi all, this is wat i found in Malaysian city forum,

Just to share with all of you an accident that happened to me yesterday (27/11/2009) at Lembah Beringin Plus heading towards north.

I was driving around 90kp/h in the middle lane and then suddenly I see a van the left most lane's right back tyre burst. Then the van skidded to the middle lane and my NHC clipped it. Nothing prepared me and wife for what happened next. As far as I can remember, after clipping the van, my car was somehow dragged by this van to the rightmost lane and then "boom", it happened. A Toyota Fortuner rammed me from behind sending my NHC flying/flipping and then spinning a few times. All the while, my NHC was upside down (turn turtle) and spinning back to the leftmost lane. It all happened so fast, less then 10 secs. That was the most terrifing few seconds of my life.

During the whole ordeal, both me and my wife remain seated in the car and didn't suffer any major injuries except a few small cuts (can u believe it? No injuries, nothing..even when then guys at Tiong Nam Honda Authorised Repair shop was shocked when they see my car and see me and my wife standing there chatting with them)

It was not until me and my wife crawl out of the car that we know the extend of damage my car as well as the Toyota Fortuner (both our cars turn turtled). Fortuner's back axle broke and even the suspension came off..I'm really glad that out NHC held it's survival space so that we can both walk away