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النتائج 1 إلى 4 من 4

  1. #1

    الصورة الرمزية aly_hosny

    رقم العضوية : 26401

    تاريخ التسجيل : 28Nov2008

    المشاركات : 3,812

    النوع : ذكر

    الاقامة : Benha-Egypt

    السيارة: NA

    السيارة[2]: Chevy Lanos

    دراجة بخارية: NA

    الحالة : aly_hosny غير متواجد حالياً

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    معرفش الارضي هيبقى ايه نظامه

    المصدر : ال هيفصل الشبكة

  2. #2

    الصورة الرمزية brown-eyes

    رقم العضوية : 2980

    تاريخ التسجيل : 03Nov2007

    المشاركات : 1,159

    النوع : ذكر

    الاقامة : haram-maadi () italy - roma

    السيارة: opel vectra

    السيارة[2]: opel corsa 95

    دراجة بخارية: honda vision 50cc

    الحالة : brown-eyes غير متواجد حالياً

    Thumbs down -

    بالفعل النت اتقطع

    ( وكان الانسان اكثر شيء جدلا }

  3. #3

    الصورة الرمزية sara2001

    رقم العضوية : 40484

    تاريخ التسجيل : 17May2009

    المشاركات : 2,043

    النوع : انثى

    الاقامة : Cairo

    السيارة: Picanto 2010 Auto

    السيارة[2]: TAXI

    الحالة : sara2001 غير متواجد حالياً

    افتراضي -

    هيفضل مقطوع لغاية امتى؟

    * لا اله الا انت سبحانك اني كنت من الظالمين *

  4. #4

    الصورة الرمزية AHMED3366

    رقم العضوية : 87014

    تاريخ التسجيل : 28Jan2011

    المشاركات : 11

    النوع : ذكر

    الاقامة : CAIRO

    السيارة: NO

    السيارة[2]: LANSER 2002

    الحالة : AHMED3366 غير متواجد حالياً

    افتراضي -


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    دة نص الايميل

    [justify]To all the people of world[/justify]

    The people in Egypt are under governmental siege. Mubarak regime is banning Facebook, Twitter, and all other popular internet sites. Tomorrow the government will block the 3 mobile phone network and the internet completely. And there is news that even the phone landline will be cut tomorrow, to prevent any news agency from following what will happen.

    Suez city is already under siege now. The government cut the water supply and electricity, people, including, children and elderly are suffering there now. The patients in hospitals cannot get urgent medical care. The injured protestors are lying in the streets and the riot police are preventing people from helping them. The families of the killed protestors cannot get the bodies of their sons to bury them. This picture is the same in north Saini (El-Sheikh zoyad city) and in western Egypt (Al-salom). The riot police is cracking down on protestors in Ismailia, Alexandria, Fayoum, Shbin Elkoum, and Cairo, the capital, in many neighborhoods across the city.

    The government is preparing to crackdown on the protestors in all Egyptian cities. They are using tear gas bombs, rubber and plastic pullets, chemicals like dilutes mustard gas against protestors. Several protestors today have been killed when the armored vehicles of the riot police hit them. Officials in plain clothes carrying blades and knives used to intimidate protestors.
    All this has been taken place over the past three days during the peaceful demonstrations in Cairo and other cities. Now, with the suspicious silence of the local media and the lack of coverage from the international media, Mubarak and his gang are blocking all the channels that can tell the world about what is happening.
    People who call for their freedom need your support and help. Will you give them a hand?
    The activists are flooding the net (youtube and other sites) with thousands of pictures and videos showing the riot police firing on armless people. The police started to use ammunition against protestors. 15-year old girl has been injured and another 25 year old man has been shot in the mouth. While nothing of these has appeared in the media, there is more to happen tomorrow. Will you keep silent? Will you keep your mouth shut while seeing all these cruelty and inhumane actions?
    We don’t ask for much, just broadcast what is happening



المواضيع المتشابهه

  1. ___""""""""الاسطورة لكزس gs الكوبيه تنتظركم في عام 2013 """"""""___
    بواسطة S O P H O S في المنتدى تـويوتـــا
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