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  1. #1

    الصورة الرمزية Ahmed Selim

    رقم العضوية : 2316

    تاريخ التسجيل : 25Sep2007

    المشاركات : 16,640

    النوع : ذكر

    الاقامة : Nasr City - UAE

    السيارة: Accent 2006

    السيارة[2]: Megane II 2005/Megane II 2007

    دراجة بخارية: لا يوجد

    الحالة : Ahmed Selim غير متواجد حالياً

    افتراضي Important Safety Tips for all - Facebook Twitter whatsapp انشر الموضوع فى :


    Safety Tips

    Always wear your seat belt--and make sure all passengers buckle up, too.

    Adjust your car's headrest to a height behind your head--not your neck--to minimize whiplash in case you're in an accident.

    Never try to fit more people in the car than you have seatbelts for them to use.

    Obey the speed limits, Going too fast gives you less time to stop or react. Excess speed is one of the main causes of teenage accidents.

    Don't run red lights.

    Use turn signals to indicate your intention to turn or to change lanes. Turn it on to give the cars behind you enough time to react before you take the action. Also, make sure the signals turns off after you've completed the action.

    When light turns green, make sure intersection clears before you go.

    Don't drive like you own the road; drive like you own the car.
    Make sure your windshield is clean. At sun rise and sun set, light reflecting off your dirty windshield can momentarily blind you from seeing what's going on.

    Drive into your garage straight, not on an angle. Another teen thought her car would straighten out before she got inside, but instead she dented the car and broke the molding on the garage.

    Make sure your car has gas in it. Don't ride around with the gauge on empty--who knows where you might get stranded.
    Don't take drugs or drive if you've taken any. Don't ride with anyone who has been using drugs. Even some over the counter drugs can make you drowsy. Check label for warnings.

    And Finally Check your tire pressuer every now & then, Over inflated or under inflated tires can lead to accidents specially on high speeds, Good Tip is to pump Nitrogen into your tires that way, you will never have to worry if from overheating that may lead your tires to explode.
    Nitrogen is available ( as far as I know ) at Islam Mashhour's Shop and another tire shop fi share3 el nadi el ahli ba3d el madraset el manhal awel yemeen.
    the price is 5L.E. Per tire ( 20 per car )

    Have a cool drive everyone

    يا بلادى يا بلادى.........أنا بحبك يا بلادى

  2. #2

    الصورة الرمزية amir

    رقم العضوية : 1365

    تاريخ التسجيل : 08Jul2007

    المشاركات : 3,408

    النوع : ذكر

    الاقامة : القاهره, مدينه نصر

    السيارة: SUNNY 2007

    السيارة[2]: FELECIA 1998

    دراجة بخارية: لا

    الحالة : amir غير متواجد حالياً

    افتراضي -


    شكرا علي المعلومات الحلوه دي


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