انا بعت رسالة لشركة فيات باسألهم اذا كان ممكن اركّب التربو من اللينيا او البرافو في البونتو ايفو pk1 auto وكان ده ردهم :

Dear Customer,

Thank you for contacting Fiat group Automobiles and for the interest shown in our Brand.
Further to your request, if your usual official Fiat workshop manager confirms that this work can be done respecting Fiat standards without cancelling the warranty, it means it can be done, but
be advised that technical modifications made out of our Official Fiat Dealership would meet different specifications from the Brand's homologations.

This could seriously damage the engine and the vehicle and would immediatly and completely invalidate the vehicle's warranty.

Obviously you are free to have your vehicle tuned, however, our Brand would not be responsible of any damage.

و واضح من الرد ان مافيش مانع مبدأيا ولكن مع الاصرار انه يبفى في التوكيل عشان الضمان
فهل اوماترا هايوافقو على الموضوع ده ولا هيتخنو دماغهم ويرفضو .
ياريت لو حد يرد عليا؟