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  1. #1

    الصورة الرمزية kingstars11

    رقم العضوية : 38239

    تاريخ التسجيل : 16Apr2009

    المشاركات : 40

    النوع : ذكر

    الاقامة : cairo

    السيارة: daiwoo lanos

    السيارة[2]: skoda octavia

    دراجة بخارية: kawazaki

    الحالة : kingstars11 غير متواجد حالياً

    افتراضي McLaren P1 Could Get a Full Bare-Carbon-Fiber Option - Facebook Twitter whatsapp انشر الموضوع فى :


    If you are not impressed with the current McLaren P1, you should know it could get even more impressive, as the McLaren is considering a full bare-carbon-fiber option. This whole discussion stems from a client who is preparing to buy a P1 and while deciding what options he wanted on his model, he mistakenly believed that McLaren offered a full bare-carbon-fiber option at no cost.
    Other companies charge upwards of $150,000 for this option, so how could McLaren pull it off for free? Well, the fact of the matter is that the customer was sadly mistaken, as there is no full bare-carbon-fiber option for the P1, let alone a free one.
    When asked about this possibility, McLaren said that the company is indeed considering such an option because many customers have asked for it, but there is no way the company will offer it at no extra cost.
    To date, McLaren offers the bare-carbon-fiber option at a no cost for the roof, front bumper section and the sections within the doors. This is likely where the customer became confused.
    A final decision on a full-carbon-fiber option will be announced soon, as will the anticipated $100,000-plus price tag.

  2. #2

    الصورة الرمزية el yabany

    رقم العضوية : 145294

    تاريخ التسجيل : 15Jun2013

    المشاركات : 400

    النوع : ذكر

    الاقامة : alexandria

    السيارة: الحاليه Fiat 1500

    السيارة[2]: seat 133/fiat127

    الحالة : el yabany غير متواجد حالياً

    افتراضي -

    موضوع جميل وشكراا على الصور بس بعد كده ونبى عربىىىىىىىىىىىىى


  3. #3

    الصورة الرمزية S O P H O S

    رقم العضوية : 71514

    تاريخ التسجيل : 25May2010

    المشاركات : 26,773

    النوع : ذكر

    الاقامة : EgYpT-ⵍⵎⵖⵔⵉⴱ-

    السيارة: -- -- all FiaT ---

    السيارة[2]: ToYoTa CorOllA ---

    دراجة بخارية: - - - - - - -

    الحالة : S O P H O S غير متواجد حالياً

    افتراضي -


    جميلة ما شاء الله


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