طبعا من الاسم واضح ايه اللي انا عاوز اقوله

لسه كارلوس غصن نفسه في شركه امريكيه

و طبعا فورد لا خالص

يبقى فاضل ميين؟


و الحمد لله الاتنين واقعيين

كريسلر و جي ام

على الرغم من ان جي ام اعلنت على موافقتها تبيع اوبل و فرعها البريطاني فوكسهول للشركه الالمانيه العارضه للشراء

و على الرغم من ان جي ام باعت باقي اسهم سوزوكي

و على الرغم من ان جي ام اعلنت عزمها على بيع هامر

و على الرغم من ان جي ام ستقفل بونتياك

إلا ان كل هذا لا يزال يثقل كاهلها من كثر الديون و قلت المبيعات و بالتالي الاموال

و حتى عندما كانت جي ام شركه محترمه و قديره

كانت رينو نيسان ترغب في كريسلر

و الت لا يزال كارلوس غصن يحلم ان يضمها تحت رايه نيسان رينو

اليكم التقرير

Speaking at the Los Angeles Auto Show today, the boss of Renault-Nissan Carlos Ghosn has reaffirmed his company’s need for a “full North American partner” and pledged support for more federal aid for the Detroit 3 as a way to fuel growth in the industry.

While Renault-Nissan is hopeful of one day forming an alliance with one of the Detroit 3 carmakers, Ghosn stressed that now was not the time but the move is still an important one. “No alliances, acquisitions or mergers can take place in the automobile industry, or really any industry for that matter, until the storm in the economy is gone,” he explained.

Of the three Detroit carmakers, Ghosn confirmed that Chrysler was the most attractive option, reports the Associated Press. However, a lack of “mutual affection” has so far halted any progress of an alliance with the Auburn Hills company.

Ghosn revealed that Renault-Nissan can supply Chrysler with small cars because it has several platforms already fully developed. He didn’t mention if his company was interested in acquiring the Jeep brand, which was speculated in the media recently.

As for increased federal support for the struggling Detroit 3, and similar efforts for European carmakers, Ghosn said financial aid was important to "transform" the auto industry for growth. He mentioned the fact that even Triple-A credit rated companies were having trouble getting finance in the current climate. This funding is necessary to develop a new generation of electric and other alternative fuel vehicles. Otherwise the introduction of such vehicles could be delayed by several years, he explained.