i'm planning at buying a spoiler isa for my beloved subaru 2006 so i called aiid and isa i'll buy it from him but i need somewhere to paint it and fix it to the car..............so i called abou ghaly today gesr el-sewis and they told me that it will cost me 770 L.E. ?!!!!! ma32ooooola dy

حتة سبويلر دهان و تركيب ب 770 جنيه؟!! امال لو هشتريه منهم بكام بقه؟!!! 20,000 الف جنيه؟؟!!
و النبي حد يعرف أدهنه و أركبه فين؟!! بس دهان و تركيب محترم

dr.shamel soaida