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لكن ان اعلام عربى يزور فى حقائق علمية...دى مصيبة...حتى لو احنا مش مقتنعين بهذة الحقيقة...

فى 1 اكتوبر سى ان ان تكتب
Oldest human skeleton offers new clues to evolution

مقتطفات من المقال
This is not an ordinary fossil. It's not a chimp. It's not a human. It shows us what we used to be.
Researchers are still trying to pinpoint when the two lineages -- chimps and humans -- split from their common ancestor.

فى 1 اكتوبر ايضا فوكس الاخبارية تكتب
Meet Ardi, the 4.4-Million-Year-Old Hominid

مقتطفات من المقال
"It is not a chimp and it is not human," said Dr. White. "It gives us a new perspective on our origins."

فى 1 اكتوبر ايضا سى بى سى الاخبارية تكتب
Hominid fossil Ardi came a million years before Lucy
CBC News - Technology & Science - Hominid fossil Ardi came a million years before Lucy

مقتطفات من المقال
Researchers concluded that both the human branch and the ape branch of the family tree have evolved significantly from its common ancestor, and chimps can no longer be thought of as a "proxy" for that common ancestor.

White said Charles Darwin, the British naturalist who first conceived of evolution through natural selection from a common ancestor, could have predicted this result.

"Darwin was very wise on this matter," said White. "Just like Darwin appreciated, evolution of the ape lineages and the human lineage has been going on independently since the time those lines split, since that last common ancestor we shared," White said.
Scientists say the last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees, humanity's closest living relative, lived at least six million years ago. Ardi isn't that last common ancestor but it's the closest to it that they've seen, say paleontologists.

فى 2 اكتوبر ايضا بى بى سى الاخبارية تكتب
Fossil finds extend human story

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Fossil finds extend human story

Even if it is not on the direct line to us, it offers new insights into how we evolved from the common ancestor we share with chimps, the team says.

فى 2 اكتوبر ايضا سى ان ان العربية الاخبارية تكتب
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أقدم هيكل عظمي يرجح وجود جد واحد للإنسان والقرد

ثم خيبتنا التقيله حتى فى نقل الاخبار العلميه يوم 3 اكتوبر الجزيرة تكتب
"أردي" تطعن بصحة نظرية داروين
ط§ظ„ط£ط®ط¨ط§ط±.-.ظ…ظ†ظˆط¹ظ€ط§طھ.-."ط£ط±ط¯ظٹ" طھط·ط¹ظ† ط¨طµط.ط© ظ†ط¸ط±ظٹط© ط¯ط§ط±ظˆظٹظ†

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وسبحان الله برده زغلول النجار بيقول ان حديث الباحثين عن أربعة ملايين سنة أمر مبالغ فيه، متوقعا أن يكون عمر الإنسان على الأرض لا يتعدى أربعمائة ألف سنة تقريبا.
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