السلام عليكم؛ مع إني مليش في المازدا بس لقيت شوية أخطاء لغوية قلت أساعد:)


I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for manufacturing Mazda fabulous cars. Since our meeting with GB Auto representatives, 3 months have passed and it seems you did not take our compaint seriously. Just a reminder, we complain about the high gratuitous prices of spare parts for all Mazda models 2007,2008 , 2009 and 2010. In order to be true to life, we have studied the prices of spare parts of other cars in the same category in the Egyptian market, which included Honda and Nissan cars. We have found that the 2 models spare parts are considerably cheaper, although we took to our account the manufacturing facility location and the shipping costs in Japan.

Another illogical price is that of the back reflectors, too expensive without any justification! Attached to this email, you will find 2 link for the presentation and our study about spare parts in Egyptian market.

We trust that you will take the issue seriously this time. Bear in mind that the great 25th January Egyptian Revolution is reflected positively in many aspects of life, which may include spare parts as well! Thank you very much and we are looking forward to your reply,
