النهاردة كنت قاعد بشوف كتالوج السكودا رابيد اللي كان رافعة yahiaashraf مشكورا جدا على مجهوده

خت بالي من حته كده في السيكشن بتاع ال Automatic Gear Box بتقول كده بالظبط :

The double clutch on the automatic gearbox DSG is equipped with an overload
. If the uphill function is used when the vehicle is stationary or driving
slowly uphill, the thermal stress on the clutches is increased.
If the clutch system overheats, the symbol  is shown in the information display
along with the message Gearbox overheated. Stop!Owner's man.!appears.
An audible signal sounds as a warning signal. Stop the vehicle, switch off the engine,
and wait until the symbol  disappears – risk of gearbox damage!You can
continue your journey as soon as the symbol disappears.

مش عارف بقا اللمبة اللي بتنور دي لما الفتيس يسخن دا اختراع جديد ولا موجود من زمان ؟؟ المهم انو مكتوب اول لما تنور تقف و تستنى لما تطفي و بعدين تكمل رحلتك