abojessy عزيزى الفاضل وصاحب الذوق الشديد والمعرفة وتصحيحك لى معلومة ان شركة بروتون فعلا تملك شركة لوتس فى رسالة خاصة ولكنى تاثرت بمشاركة فى احد المواقع ان شركة بروتون لاتملك لوتس اتصلت بالتليفون بالعضو المحترم وقال لى ان الموضوع موضوع شراء اسهم وانه يوجد قيود على بروتون لمدة خمس سنوات قادمة ودلنى على الرابط الاتى ارجو من سيادتك ان تدلنى على نوع الشراكة الكائنة بين بروتون ولوتس من خلال

In 1996, Proton acquired a 63.75% share in Lotus Group International Limited for £40,640,000.This was later increased to 100% in 2003. A later PriceWaterhouse Coopers audit would find that the CEO, Yahaya Ahmad, had inked the agreement on 16 October 1996. The agreement was presented to the board for approval on 27 November 1996. As part of the purchase agreement (signed prior to board agreement), there were restrictions placed on Proton's ownership of Lotus. One of the restrictions was a prohibition on diluting ACBN's remaining shareholding for a period of five years. This restricted Proton in its operation of the Lotus business and required Proton to guarantee a £40 million loan in 2000