انا مليش فى اللوجان او الرينو .. بس علشان انت ذكرت تغيير كمبيوتر ب 15 الف جنيه .. انا حبيت اساعد فى البحث علشان تكون عندك قكره افضل لما تروح تكشف ومتصرفشى قلوس فى حاجه تكون موش هى السبب

الواضح انها مشكله كهربا .. و ان شاء الله بعيده عن الكمبيوتر حسب ما فهمت من البحث لان فيه فنى شغال فى داشيا قال للعميل يوجد اكثر من كمبيوتر كل واحد مخصص للتعامل مع جزء معين فى السياره .. و الاغلب تكون مشكلتك فى UCH لان لو ربطت كودين الخطا ببعض 001 و 044 حتلاقى الاقرب لاعطال لود 001 هو ان فيه مشكله فى UCH

.. و الحل حسب ما قرأت فى بعض الروابط بتكون فيش او توصيلات غير جيده .. او تركيب انذار اضافى عند كهربائى تعبان .. او وصول رطوبه او ميه عند صندوق الفيوزات



OBDII diagnostics. Trouble code definition for code DF001

العيب ده ممكن يكون بسبب اى جزء من المذكور فى الرابط باعلى .. و من ضمنهم UCH - UCH

ال UCH - UCH .. هو موديول للتحكم الاليكترونى فى العديد من الوظائف الغير خاصه بالمحرك

The UCH (Unite Centrale Habitacle) is an electronic control module that is fitted to many late model Renaults (early 2000's onwards.) It is responsible for controlling many of the non-engine related functions of the car, such as central locking, electric windows, and even some of the lights (e.g. indicators.)

.................................................. ...


اقرأ الرابط ده
Logan computer error DF044?, anybody knows what is a cause? - DaciaClub - Forum Dacia

خلاصه اللى فهمته
1- مراجعه جميع الفيش و التوصيلات .. و التاكد انهم راكبين كويس جدا .. معرفشى ممكن يتنظفم ام لا
2- ممكن تركيب جهاز انذار اضافى بطريقه خاطئه يعمل المشكله دى
3- احيانا العيب ده ان UCH موش قادر يتصل بكمبيوتر العربيه .. و فيه احد الرود فنى التوكيل اخبر العميل ان فيه اكثر من كمبيوتر .. كل منها مخصص لوظيفه معينه ؟؟؟؟

فيه اثنين حلو مشكلتهم و كانت مقاربه لمشكلتك .. سواء عدم الدواره نهائئ او التبطيل العشوائى .. الاول راجع و نظف الفيش على ما اظن ..

Anyway, car appears to be starting now just fine (as wires and contacts and connectors has been checked and re-seated both in Dacia service and service where alarm has been installed several times - maybe problem with ignition was caused with some poor contacts - but now that problem is gone), but Logan computer still reads error DF044.

Person in service says that is unable to access module of the computer for blocking the ignition. (please see attached "screen dumps" taken with digital camera ) and that problem might be related with some wire cut or not firmly connected or... and advices to check the service who installed alarm to check it again... And in service where they installed alarm they say that everything is fine, firmly connected, and that problem might be with Logan computer, as "Renault electronics is known to be very unreliable"

و الثانى شال جهاز الانذار بس المشكله ظلت موجوده و بعدين راجع على الفيش و الفيوزات و وجد تقريبا فيوز كبير او شيئ شيبه و لكنه غير محكم فى مكانه و تم تثبيته جيدا و تم حل المشكله

Following your advices (thank you ALL, very, very much!) my friend and me dared to have a look ourselves. It took us approx 2 hours, some borrowed screwdrivers and 2 litres of cold Coca-Cola

Anyway, we found that alarm + has been connected to very thick red wire that (according to info on fuse box) should be used with aircondition (if installed). It seems to be permanent +12V, and fuse inside of the fuse box is missing since this car (Ambiance) has no aircondition. So, it wasn't +12V from fuse for UCH unit. Good.

Next, and most important, I saw that this big multicontact connector to the UCH unit wasn't seated properly!!!!! It needed a push between 0,5 and 1mm to be seated properly (to hear "click"). I am almost 100% positive that this was cause of the problem! (but will have to confirm with Dacia diagnostic computer though).

What was confusing to me that I've found one white wire cut-off just being there (?). Maybe this is for some factory wiring for radio? (Ambiance model)? I couldn't find the other end of this wire (if you cut a wire by accident you should have two ends, right? ).
Is this "normal" ?

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